Free Qualitative Data Analysis Software For Mac Review

All-in-One Qualitative
Data Analysis Tool

Free Qualitative Data Analysis Software For Mac Review

Top 5 Best Qualitative Data Analysis & Research Software Dedicated QDA programs support the reporting effort by providing dedicated tools (such as text editors), but more importantly also allow direct linking of the report(s) to individual codes, groups (or 'families') of codes as.

Developed by and for researchers

Take your qualitative analysis to the next level with MAXQDA

Free Qualitative Data Analysis Software For Mac ReviewPURCHASEFREE TRIAL


  • State-of-the-art Qualitative Analysis Software. Easily analyse interviews, transcripts, focus groups, text/video/audio files, literature reviews, images, and more
  • Wide range of visualization tools: word clouds, charts, tables, concept maps, and more
  • Offers mixed methods, statistical, and quantitative content analysis tools
  • Easy to use and learn thanks to its user-friendly interface. We also offer a wide range of free video tutorials and other learning materials ideal for new users
  • 100% identical on Windows and Mac

Code and retrieve

Mark important information in your data with different codes by using codes, colors, symbols, or emoticons. Code quickly via drag & drop or with automatic coding, search for words and organize your thoughts and theories in memos that can be linked to any element of your project.

Retrieve your coded segments with one click or use MAXQDA’s powerful search tools to test and develop new theories.


Great ideas will often occur to you while you’re reading or coding your data. Memos are the perfect place to note them down. Choose from 11 different memo icons. The unique MAXQDA memo manager and lexical search function guarantee immediate access to every single memo at any time. Memos are also great for creating audit trails or for paraphrasing passages into your own words.

Analyze and transcribe media files

Use MAXQDA to code audio and video files directly without creating a transcript first. Or transcribe your media to analyze the written text instead – while always staying connected to the original media clips. MAXQDA has extended transcription functions with which you can adapt the speed or the sound volume of your audio and video files and use foot pedals to speed up the transcription.

Media clips are treated like any other segments in MAXQDA. You can code, retrieve, comment and assign a weight to these segments in the same way as with other segments.

The mixed methods expert – integrate demographics

Qualitative Research Analysis Software

Use our qualitative analysis software and integrate quantitative methods or data into your project. Link qualitative data to demographic variables, quantify the results of qualitative analyses or calculate statistical frequencies.

The advanced version MAXQDA Plus additionally includes the add-on module MAXDictio, which adds quantitative text analysis functionality to MAXQDA, so you can easily analyze vocabulary or text content.

Want to test MAXQDA 2020 for yourself? Download the no-obligation 14-day free trial!

Qualitative Data Analysis Software Reviews

Ready to purchase MAXQDA 2020? Assemble your license in the online shop!

Compare the features of MAXQDA Standard, Plus and Analytics Pro.

What is MAXQDA

MAXQDA is a world-leading software package for qualitative and mixed methods research. Analyze all kinds of data – from texts to images and audio/video files, websites, tweets, focus group discussions, survey responses, and much more. Developed by and for researchers, MAXQDA is at once powerful and easy-to-use, innovative and user-friendly, as well as the only leading QDA software that is 100% identical on Windows and Mac.

Take it from the researchers who use MAXQDA

I spent several months researching the options, and ultimately decided to trial MAXQDA. We brought in a MAXQDA certified trainer, and bought a network license so that our large team at Microsoft could use the tool. We were not disappointed[…]
I was so convinced in its efficacy in the applied qualitative field that I bought MAXQDA for my team when I joined Amazon. I was especially delighted when they recently added the Stats package, which allows us to avoid the extra expense of buying SPSS.

Sam Ladner, Ph.D.

Qualitative Data Analysis Software Free

Senior UX Researcher, Amazon
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