Facebook Chat App Mac Os X

What you need to know

Facebook Messenger for Mac allows you to quickly use the features of Messenger for Facebook by launching the app directly from your dock. You also get the option for desktop notifications. Facebook Chat Heads not only look brilliantly cool on any smartphone platform, but conveniently allows users to reply to incoming messages from friends outside of the app, except on iOS. The same convenience has now been brought to your Mac by developer Raffael Hannemann, with an app aptly titled ‘Chat Heads’ for OS X. Facebook Messenger for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Our editors hand-picked the best Mac alternatives to Facebook Messenger, go ahead and check them out, rate them,.

  • Facebook has just announced a brand new Messenger app for macOS and Windows.
  • It will enable Facebook users to make video calls from a desktop on their computers.
  • Facebook says it saw a 100% increase in audio and video calling messenger last month.

Facebook has today announced its new Messenger app for Mac and Windows, which will allow users to make video calls from their desktop. In a blog post it stated:

Today we're launching a Messenger app for macOS and Windows so you can video chat on your computer and stay connected with friends and family all over the world.

Now more than ever, people are using technology to stay in touch with the people they care about, even when physically apart. Over the past month, we saw more than a 100% increase in people using their desktop browser for audio and video calling on Messenger. Now with apps for macOS and Windows, the best of Messenger is coming to desktop, including unlimited and free group video calls.

Benefits highlighted by Facebook include a larger screen for video calling compared to the mobile app, easy connection with anyone you are friends with on Facebook (no need for emails or phone numbers), multitasking, notifications, chat sync across mobile and desktop, and of course Dark Mode!

The new App is available from both the Microsoft Store and the Mac App store now. Of course, because this is Facebook messenger, it will also support text chat, just like the mobile version. On macOS, you'll need OS X 10.10.0 or later, Windows users will need Windows 10 version 10240.0 or higher.

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How to use Facebook Chat with iChat | 30 comments | Create New Account
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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

This is truly an excellent hint.

I second that!

Sweet, can't wait to try it out!

Brilliant. I'm also impressed how iChat automatically categorises your FB friends according to your Lists.
Thanks for the tip.

perl -e 'require Signature.pm; srand; printf STDOUT '%sn', $Signature[rand @Signature];'

Entering the server and port isn't even necessary, iChat picks that up automatically.

Excellent hint! I went looking a bit further and found this on the facebook page which means you don't have to faff around trying to find your username and gives you setup instructions for a number of other Jabber clients as well.

Thanks for that link! This is AWESOME!!

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unfortunate that ssl/tls is not supported by their server

The instructions say 'find your Facebook username by going to http://www.facebook.com/your_user/', but if I don't know my user name how can I go there? All I have is a profile ID.
I'm honestly not sure how to find my username, so I don't have a solution, and once I saw that they didn't support SSL I figured the issue wasn't worth resolving.

Go to http://facebook.com/ and click on Profile in the upper right corner. Or go to https://register.facebook.com/editaccount.php and edit your username (you may change it once).

You can find your user name by going to your settings. You'll get a list of all your account info.


Seems to be much more stable than the Facebook method built into Adium. Thanks for sharing!

I managed to get iChat to work with my facebook account. However, it doesn't seem to work with my partner's account.
I get the following popup:
'chat.facebook.com Login
iChat can't log in to chat.facebook.com because your login ID or password is incorrect.
Login ID: <xxxx@chat.facebook.com>
Password: [blank]'
I type in the password, and still the window pops-up and iChat doesn't login.
There is no problem loging into the facebook site though.
Anyone else have this problem?

I have same issue - tried everything i can think off and it still asks me for PW. it works on Adium though....

I add the same problem. I solved it by deleting the Jabber account I'd been trying to set up, and starting over again from facebook with this URL: http://www.facebook.com/sitetour/chat.php
After that, it worked without a hitch!

Sadly, still didn't work ;-)

Try the instructions on this site, fixed mine when it had that problem http://res-res.blogspot.com/2010/11/facebook-chat-on-ichat-and-other-jabber.html

oh, it was about time they enabled jabber! the beauty of this hint is not really in getting the settings right but that someone had the patiency or luck to discover the moment they enabled it! i personally gave up a year ago...

Awesome tip.
I don't really use Facebook chat but I may start now.
If you could suggest ways to use WLM with iChat that'd be great. (A)

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Same thing...but in video tutorial format: http://www.woopid.com/video/2337/Facebook-chat-in-iChat

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Very Unstable. just like Browser Chat. Keeps getting disconnected every now and then.
Do I need to be on facebook page when I want to chat with my online friends?

i use facebook on adium, also reconnects all the time, and firefox drops the remembering login; seems facebook only fully accepts one login at the time...

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I have trouble just chatting. Whenever I click on someone it states 'user offline'. I got the jabber to work and I'm logged in. The same thing happens to both Jabber and facebook chat. I'm using Safari. The weird thing is, I was able to chat before and the last time I did was October or November. So I'm not sure what the problem is.

it's 'stable' for me but the problem is that from time to time it starts using all the bandwidth for nothing ... even iChat starts consuming half of the processor resources :o(

There is an important precondition missing in the hint: You need to log off from Facebook chat in the browser. You get a password error if you are logged in but this is not helpful when trying to find out why the login does not work.

Note to anyone having problems signing in, ichat constantly asking for the password etc. Just sign out and back into facebook via your browser, seems to work every time for me.

I am trying to add facebook chat to ichat and I keep getting the message 'ichat can't verify the identity of 'chat.facebook.com'. When I click on 'continue' the same window pops up again and again. Happens whether I'm signed into facebook or not. I search this message on google and don't get a single hit. WTF? I am running OSX v. 10.5.8, BTW. iChat version 4.0.9 (622).


OK, I figured it out. I had to select 'view certificate' and then specify to 'always trust' chat.facebook.com (who can truly say that?) and now it's fine.


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