Code Sign Mac Os App

If you want to deliver a desktop application for Windows and/or OS X at some point you will need to get interested in code signing. Windows and OS X have some default security policies to prevent users from running software downloaded off the Internet if it has not been signed, so binary packages need to be signed!

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  2. Codesign Mac App
  3. Code Sign Mac Os Application
  4. Code Sign Mac Os Apps
  5. Code Mac Os App

For an unsigned application, under Windows, users only need to click “Yes” in a number of popups to get through the security check, which they are probably used to…

Yet under Mac OS X, unless the Security & Privacy settings are changed to allow applications downloaded from Anywhere (instead of Mac App Store and identified developers only) or they right / Ctrl click on the file, users simply won’t be able to launch the application! Apple fans will probably say this is a sensible way for Apple to control software quality. A valid certificate indeed shows that your software hasn’t been altered or corrupted and, if it turns out to be malware, Apple can revoke your certificate. Though one can also see it as a way for Apple to control Mac developers even more than it already does, while simultaneously extorting $99 per year from each and every one of them.

Code Sign Mac Os App Download

In any case, this could be a serious obstacle for Mac OS X users, so if you are shipping software for the Mac, you really need to sign it.

We’ve spent quite some time to understand code signing and figure out how to implement it for both operating systems in an automated way so that our continuous integration platform could handle it for the Nuxeo Drive application.

Let’s first have a look at the various warning or blocking popups you might have when installing an unsigned application.

Jan 18, 2019  While you don't strictly need to sign the app while developing, there's no escaping from code signing and joining the Apple Developer Program when you're planning to publish your app to the public via App Store. We believe that by eliminating the need for a Mac for code signing purposes allows more people to deliver their app to potential end.

Installing an Unsigned Application Under Windows

These popups are only warnings, but the “Unknown” aspect might be scary for some users.

Warning popup when opening the Nuxeo Drive .msi file

Warning popup at the end of Nuxeo Drive installation

Opening an Unsigned Application Under Mac OS X

This popup is blocking.

Blocking popup when opening the Nuxeo Drive application

Now let’s have a look at the various warning popups you should have when installing a signed application.

Installing a Signed Application Under Windows

Warning popup when opening the Nuxeo Drive .msi file

If you click on the Nuxeo link you can have the details of the code signing certificate, as in the screenshot below:

Nuxeo certificate details

Warning popup at the end of Nuxeo Drive installation

Opening a Signed Application Under Mac OS X

Warning popup when opening the Nuxeo Drive application

Code Signing Overview

Though there are several ways to sign an application, let’s have a look at the main principles.


Obtain a signing identity

You first need to get a signing identity delivered by a trusted certification authority like Comodo or VeriSign. Such a signing identity is generally made up of a certificate and a private key. The simplest is to create a PFX file from the certificate and private key using openssl under Linux (yes, you will always need a Linux box at some point - at least we didn’t find a better way…). Copy the PFX file to the Windows build machine as it will be directly used to sign the code.

Sign the code


Use the SignTool tool provided by the Windows SDK to sign your application.

Codesign Mac App

Code Sign Mac Os App

signtool sign /v /f '<certificate_path>certificate.pfx' /d 'Nuxeo Drive' /t nuxeo-drive-1.3.0204-win32.msi

  • /v Verbose
  • /f PFX certificate file path. If the file is protected by a password, use the /p option to specify the password
  • /d Signed content description, used as the msi program name
  • /t URL of the timestamp server

Verify the code

signtool verify /v /pa nuxeo-drive-1.3.0204-win32.msi

Mac OS X

Obtain a signing identity

You first need to get a Developer ID account from Apple ($99 / year). Then generate a Certificate Signing Request (.csr) for Code Signing Certificates using openssl to get a Developer ID Application certificate from the Apple Developer Center. Finally import the certificate and private key generated along with the .csr into one of the keychains of your Mac OS X build machine.

Sign the code

Code Sign Mac Os Application

Use the codesign command line tool to sign your application.

codesign -s <identity> <code-path> -v

  • The <identity> can be named with any (case sensitive) substring of the certificate’s common name attribute, as long as the substring is unique throughout your keychains
  • The <code-path> value may be a bundle folder or a specific code binary, for example Nuxeo
  • -v option is for verbose

Verify the code

codesign -vv Nuxeo

This checks that the code is actually signed, that the signature is valid, that all the sealed components are unaltered, and that the whole thing passes some basic consistency checks.

Code Sign Mac Os Apps

Getting more information about code signature

To display all details about the code signature such as the hash type, signature size or signing authority, use the following command:

codesign -d -vvv Nuxeo

Test code signing using the spctl tool

spctl --assess --type execute Nuxeo --verbose

If your application or package signature is valid, this tools exits silently with an exit status of 0. If the signature is invalid, this tool prints an error message and exits with a nonzero exit status.

In case of success this should output something like:

nuxeo-drive/dist/Nuxeo accepted

Code Mac Os App

source=Developer ID

That’s it, happy code signing!